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Parents, this is why you should never stop a child who is trying to pretend to clean

Parents, this is why you should never stop a child who is trying to pretend to

Lira Gjika, as always on duty to give parenting advice, even on social networks, has shared an interesting moment: housework.

How should adults act when a child pretends to do housework? When do you pick up the glass to wash it? Why should this process not be interrupted?

"From the age of two and a half to three, the child takes the broom or dust cloth and pretends to sweep or pick up the dust. He goes to the bucket and plays with the stick that washes the floor, he goes to the sink and washes spoons or cups. So the child tries to do work as the adult does, mother and father or grandmother. The parents and grandparents in the country encourage him to continue or teach him how to do better, scold him or take him out of his hands, especially when he was playing with water. "Don't let him get cold or take the glass out of his hand or make a mess of our house." At this age, the child learns to do work like the parents and this makes him very happy, but we adults have troubles, fears and annoyances, we do not miss the fun of the child. We do not need that the child is learning to work and serve as the parents do. We adults intervene without thinking long, what we do to the child by not letting him enjoy and play with things. By wiping the dust or washing glasses or spoons, the child focuses on how to do it better, how to be careful not to break or injure himself. So it activates concentration and dexterity of actions through the hand. The senses are put into action, the hand of sight, touch, smell are combined and the child's brain acts more and more powerfully. You can say that he or she has a lot of toys, yes, but the child will do like mom, like dad, it makes him happy and amazes him immeasurably because he or she can also do things like adults. While preventing him from getting involved in adult work, we show him that work is bad, that it is a nuisance and harms you. Attention parents and grandparents, if you are afraid of glass cups, let the child wash plastic cups and plates, but do not prevent him. Parents, grandparents, do not interfere with the child according to your fears and annoyances, but who is the right thing to do. one more thing the child now has time to learn and develop growth potentials. Help parents to develop them as healthy as possible", writes Lira Gjika.

For more from Lira Gjika, in a personal account, follow the podcast with Mira!