Stil jete

Olivia Colman bows to botox and people to her honesty

Olivia Colman bows to botox and people to her honesty

Olivia Colman accepts Botox without any qualms.

He even revealed that he has done little.

The conversation on this topic took place while giving an interview to Vernon Kay and they realized that they were the same age.

"An age? I look like your mother," she shot back.

When Vernon Kay asked her if Botox hurts, she replied: "Yes! It's a needle that goes into your face."

Although Olivia didn't share additional details about her skin care practices, many appreciated her transparency.

Olivia Colman bows to botox and people to her honesty

Olivia isn't the only celebrity to be candid about the beauty treatments she uses.

However, every occasion deserves honesty and truthfulness
