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Crime or art? The way the law student found to copy

Crime or art? The way the law student found to copy

Did you ever copy when you were in school? Or does it still copy? Is it talent, courage or crime? It can be a little bit of everything, especially in the photos posted by a university professor.

The law school at the University of Malaga tweeted the most innovative method of fraud used by one of its students.

The student had intricately engraved - that only he could read - notes on the plastic of his BIC pens. This unique system, which the professor described as 'art', was discovered during the term's exams. It is interesting that the subject the student was taking was 'criminal procedural law'.

The student had replaced the pencil's graphite lead with a needle, enabling him to write on multiple pens.

Another Twitter user, Gonzo, shared further details, revealing that the student had more such pens at home.