
Are Ledri and Sara becoming the ideal couple?

Are Ledri and Sara becoming the ideal couple?

Only they know the fixed time of their relationship, but it is said (at least from the 'likes' on Instagram that they have been together since 2016. So Ledri Vula and Sara Hoxha are at least in the 7th year of their relationship. In the year that is considered critical of any type of relationship, especially romantic ones, Ledri and Sara are stronger than ever, together.

The last video, when Sara went on stage and tried to sing some of Ledri's hits, was the spark to write about them as an inspiration model of an ideal couple for each other.

Why ideal? For more than one reason.

That they believe in each other

It was in the video where the two of them went on stage, Ledri humorously addressed Sara: "If I didn't know how much you love me, I would be jealous of you tonight." Yes, only with humor.

Nor has Sara fallen prey to the news or occasional network provocations. Especially in their beginnings, through various editions, photos were published to the tunes of the songs of Ledri and his ex-girlfriend Dafina Zeqiri. When Sara was asked in a questionnaire on her Instagram she said: “Super marketing idea whoever made it happy. I mean it (I'm serious)".

Are Ledri and Sara becoming the ideal couple?

That freedom has no price

And Sarah isn't really jealous. Ledri himself appreciates this. When he was once asked which Albanian singer his partner became jealous of, Ledri said: "When Sara let me sing with Dafina, she doesn't get jealous of the others."

Ledri gjithashtu ishte fansi më i madh i Sarës kur ajo konkurroi në ‘Dancing With The Stars’.

Fytyra e tij kur ajo fitoi i tregon të gjitha.

Are Ledri and Sara becoming the ideal couple?

Are Ledri and Sara becoming the ideal couple?

Mirënjohja si virtyti më i rëndësishëm në jetë

Pasi Sara fitoi Dancing shkroi këtë status ku me mirënjohje dhe çiltërsi pranoi se fansat e Ledrit kishin ndikuar në fitoren e saj. Ajo e di se është një vajzë e thjeshtë. Që as nuk këndon, as nuk aktron, as nuk prezanton. Edhe pse ka gati 500 mijë ndjekës në Instagram.

Are Ledri and Sara becoming the ideal couple?

Sara, vajzë me këmbë në tokë.

Are Ledri and Sara becoming the ideal couple?

Meqë ra fjala tek vajza e thjeshtë

Sara është një vajzë e lindur në Tiranë, por që për më shumë se 15 vite jetonte me familjen në Gjermani. Kur u dashurua me Ledrin la jetën e saj atje, shoqërinë, familjen, për t`iu bashkuar familjes së Ledrit.

Deri përpara disa muajsh, prindërit e Ledrit zbuluan se çifti dhe vajza e tyre Poem jetonte me ta.

Are Ledri and Sara becoming the ideal couple?

"Sara dhe Ledri jetojnë me ne. Ata do ikin. Edhe ne kemi dëshirë që ata të ikin. Të jenë vetë, t’i çelin rrugën e vetvetes", tha Agroni, babai i Ledrit në një intervistë në radio.

Ishte po Sara që surprizoi me tortë për ditëlindje gjyshen e Ledrit dhe sytë e tij të përlotur në fund të videos dëshmojnë se po, edhe ai është mirënjohës ndaj saj.

Si për shpërblim Ledri bëhet me qejf (ose jo) fotografi personal i Sarës

Ja, si në fotot e pushimeve në Bali ku Sara ka pozuar sa ka dashur.

Are Ledri and Sara becoming the ideal couple?

Are Ledri and Sara becoming the ideal couple?

Mbi të gjitha ‘Best Friends’

A nuk është shoku apo shoqja më e mirë, ai njeri që na shoqëron në pushime, momente të bukura, të vështira, qeshim, grindemi… Vetë Sara kështu e konsideron marrëdhënien e tyre: Mbi të gjitha ‘Best Friends’.

Are Ledri and Sara becoming the ideal couple?

Are Ledri and Sara becoming the ideal couple?

Are Ledri and Sara becoming the ideal couple?

Are Ledri and Sara becoming the ideal couple?

Are Ledri and Sara becoming the ideal couple?

Are Ledri and Sara becoming the ideal couple?

Are Ledri and Sara becoming the ideal couple?

Are Ledri and Sara becoming the ideal couple?

Are Ledri and Sara becoming the ideal couple?

Meritë e zemrës, por edhe horoskopit

Coincidentally, both Sara and Ledri are Cancers. Two sensitive together, two loyal together, two people strongly attached to family together. That these are the characteristics of Cancer. Fit to the stars…

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