
Prime Minister Rama grabs attention at the UN in the debate with the Russian ambassador. Zelensky thanks him on Twitter.

Prime Minister Rama grabs attention at the UN in the debate with the Russian

In the video, you will see a moment when Prime Minister Edi Rama intervenes in the debate by answering the Russian ambassador, Vasily Nebenzya. Who earlier opposed the decision of the Albanian Presidency for Zelensky to speak first at the meeting of the Security Council.

Rama tells him: If you don't want Zelensky to talk, stop the war. Keep saying incorrect things. If you don't want me to answer in the capacity of the Albanian prime minister, don't provoke me.

A few minutes later, Ukrainian President Zelensky tweets a thank you to Edi Rama where he says: Dear Edi Rama, today at the UN Security Council you showed the world how to deal with Russia correctly, its lies and hypocrisy. Thank you for running the Presidency in such a principled way.

Today, Albania assumed the presidency of the UN Security Council for the second time.

Excerpts from the debate:

Vasily Nebenzya: The arguments you used are not convincing. We have two questions: On what basis do you propose to give the President of Ukraine the floor before the representatives of the Security Council, and on what basis do you invite the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Moldova in the capacity of the chairman of the OSCE?

Nëse sot ju miratoni vendime duke i rënë cekiçit do të përballeni me një taktikë të shkeljes. Këtu është bërë një shkelje. Kjo shkelje pratike është e mbushur me rreziqe. Kjo e sotmja do të jetë një spektakël. Ata që nuk janë anëtare fllasin pas vendeve që janë anëtare. Presidenca shqiptare ka treguar mosspërfillje dhe ka përdorur ideologji. Për fat të keq nuk e ka mundur ta menaxhojë këtë takim.

Rama: Më duhet të them se duke ardhur nga ju gjithë ky leksion për shkelje është një goditje mbresëlënese. Por shkelja këtu ka të bëjë me faktin se Zelensky do të flasë para anëtarëve të Këshllit ka një zgjidhje: ju ndaloni luftën dhe Zelensky nuk flet. Vazhduat të thoni gjëra të pasakta. Nwse nuk doni që të përgjigjem në cilësinë e kryeministrit shqiptar, mos më provokoni.

Russian delegation: Mr. Chairman, I am addressing you only as the chairman of the security council, at no time did I address you as the prime minister of Albania, we are engaged in a procedural dialogue with you, not in a substantive dialogue, please refrain from political statements in the statements initial for the council.

Rama: It was you who spoke about NATO, about the fact that Albania is in NATO. This has nothing to do with my role as chairman of the Council.