
The Special Court gives the verdict for Berisha and Malltez

The Special Court gives the verdict for Berisha and Malltez

The Court of Special Appeals has decided to leave in force the "house arrest" security measure for former Prime Minister Sali Berisha and his son-in-law, Jamarbër Malltezi.

The former prime minister was taken as a co-defendant with Malltez for the investigation file of the privatization of the former Partizani complex.

The prosecution body has prepared a voluminous file of 500 pages in charge of Berisha and the other defendants.

SPAK accuses the former prime minister of 'passive corruption' committed in cooperation, while his son-in-law Jamarbër Malltezi accuses him of 'passive corruption committed in cooperation and "money laundering".


The Special Court of Appeal for Corruption and Organized Crime, with a monocratic panel composed of judge Iliriana Olldashi, today on 13.09.2024, announced the decision on criminal case no. 182 act, date 04.09.2024 registration, registered on the appeal of the persons under investigation/appellants SB and JM, with object: "Appeal against decision no. Act 400, dated 30.07.2024 of the Special Court of First Instance for Corruption and Organized Crime (with object: Two-month information within the framework of criminal proceedings)", in the case of personal security measures and decided:

Approval of decision no. Act 400, dated 30.07.2024 of the First Instance Special Court for Corruption and Organized Crime.