
Temperatures drop and rain returns today

Temperatures drop and rain returns today

Today, our country will be affected by relatively unstable weather conditions. As a result of the formation of an area with low atmospheric pressure, positioned over the Apennine Peninsula and moist air masses.

Clear weather with high temperatures is expected to give way to weather with alternating clouds and intervals of clearing and rain.

After noon, rain of low intensity is expected in most of the territory and locally average in the north.

The wind will blow in the south-southwest direction with an average speed of 2-8 m/sec, while along the coastline and the valley it occasionally gains speed, up to 10-12 m/sec, causing the waves in the sea to be of force 2- 3 faces.

Temperatures are forecast:

in mountainous areas 9 to 23°C

in low areas 8 to 26°C

in coastal areas 14 to 26°C