Trump gives his victory speech without the results being announced: We won the popular vote
Before the elections were closed and the results were not released, Trump appeared in front of the American people to give his victory speech.
"I thank the American people for the honor of electing me as the 47th and 45th president as well. I will fight for you and your families, for the future. I will fight you every chance I get. To have a prosperous America that Americans deserve. An extraordinary era for America. By winning the main states, we are also victorious in Michigan, Alaska, etc., which will allow us 315 electoral votes. There was no other way but victory. We also won the popular vote which is great.
This is a remarkable move. We will help our country heal. We will fix every problem facing our country. We made history for a reason and history is just that. We overcame the hurdles and here we are, true madness. It is a political victory that our country has never seen before. I want to thank the American people for electing me as the 47th President," Trump said.