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The Chinese create the 'copy' of Santorini, this is what it looks like

The Chinese create the 'copy' of Santorini, this is what it looks like

This is not Santorini, but a resort in China called 'Land of Dreams'.

Chinese who are unable to visit Santorini in Greece can visit the resort in Dali, Southwest China which resembles the cosmopolitan Greek island.

The resort is built on the side of Cangshan Mountain, which overlooks a lake, and consists of guesthouses, hotels, cultural businesses, holiday apartments and small winding streets planted with flowers.

The resort covers an area of ​​3,700 hectares, and has had a total investment of 8 billion yuan.

@travelnotes328 This is Santorini in Dali,China. Romance with your beloved #scenery #travel #china #tiktok #nature #fyp #beauty ♬ 原聲 - Ellin