If travel plans are being discussed, start looking for discounted airfares and hotel rooms. You will enjoy exploring foreign countries and areas that you have never visited before. It's time to expand your horizons.
You have trouble balancing your accounts, and you can't feel happy when you're not in control of your finances. It's going to be hard to pretend you're excited about a glamorous event a close friend is hosting when all you can think about is how much it's going to cost you.
You may have to drop whatever you are doing to help a friend who is unhappy. It would also be wise to check any holiday plans you have lined up for the coming weeks, as there is a good chance you, or someone else, may have overlooked something.
The crab
Having fun and enjoying your free time with the people you love will be just as important to your health and well-being as staying on top of your responsibilities. You have to keep reminding yourself of this especially when you are expected to get more commitments.
You've been spending a lot of time with a friend lately. What you find difficult to understand is how they don't accept the fact that you should pay more attention to your family and loved ones. You are starting to realize how selfish some people can be.
An open conversation will make you realize how exceptional you are with the young people in the family. Show interest in children's hobbies and schoolwork. You will be surprised how smart they have become compared to previous generations.
Being angry is not helping a situation that cannot be avoided. Even though you'd rather be somewhere else, you're expected to perform tasks you're already committed to. Complaining will only upset someone who takes responsibilities seriously. Accept this situation without becoming too bitter.
Accept an unexpected invitation to meet an old friend and a secret desire will be fulfilled. Trust your intuition when you get that great feeling that something special is about to happen. The increase in harmony will be felt in your closest relationships.
Looking forward to meeting a team that is organizing a festive community project. You may be surprised that an elderly colleague or relative does not understand your enthusiasm. For this reason you may need to contain your energy.
Why worry about things that may never happen? One rumor you hear will make you wonder if there will be changes. You will not like what is being said and it would be better to wait until you have all the facts. In the meantime, ignore the rumours.
There is a serious purpose to a trip you are organizing. Hopes and desires are approaching fulfillment. It may not be apparent yet, but keep going as you are as your dedicated efforts are helping to move the process forward.
Ignore the temptation to solve a work-related issue yourself. This issue should be discussed with colleagues who are higher in the hierarchy. It may not be easy to get their attention, in which case you need to adopt a tougher approach and insist on being heard.