Weekly horoscope Aries - Taurus

Weekly horoscope Aries - Taurus


You will act actively in various tasks, driven by the desire and ambition to do some important things for the family or for the people you love.

This will be a favorable week for home related purchases.

If you are involved in any real estate matters, this will be a favorable week for resolving them and achieving the success you desire.

During the week, be careful with the contacts you will have with new or old acquaintances, as there is a possibility that a misunderstanding will arise, or false information will be exchanged. Whatever the particular event, it will be a cause of tension and worry.

Boys and girls will spend an interesting week, because some new situations will manage to surprise you. On the one hand, you will understand that they are your chance, but on the other hand, inside you will fear that you are not sufficiently prepared for their realization. Postponing these things for another time will not help you, but it is actually better to do things that you feel confident about. The week will be remembered with an important event in the family.

Men will make many plans for this week, but some of them will definitely remain unrealized for various reasons. Some of you will remember this week with pleasant experiences, which will most likely be planned in advance. Your love life will also bring you pleasant emotions, especially if your lover is currently at a distance from you or if you plan to take a trip together during the weekend.

Women can expect a week of changes, important decisions, new beginnings. You will feel the support of your friends very strongly. During this week, the children in the family will demand your attention above all with some purchases that you will have to make for them.


During the week you will have to show will and be more confident in a situation related to a child or a young person. There is a possibility that you will encounter resistance from the other side, which will even be very unpleasant or offensive to you.

During the week, be careful with a health problem, as symptoms can give you wrong information.

During the week, you will talk about important issues with a person from your circle of relatives, with whom you will discuss various situations in the life of family members.

The important changes taking place in their lives require a more careful follow-up, to avoid unpleasant and unwanted mistakes.

During the week, you may be surprised by some other important document or announcement related to the house or property you own.

In general, this week will be remembered for some important events.

This week you will be sensitive to mistakes or hasty actions in your financial affairs, so avoid large payments or large expenses, especially if you are driven by your emotional desires and whims.

Boys and girls will realize some new responsibilities that they will have in the family or with close people.

Men will have to plan their tasks much better this week. Most of the responsibilities you will have will also require greater concentration on your part. You can expect help from other people, but always be prepared to do the work yourself. The unpleasant news you will receive that will affect a person you know may confuse you, upset you, or anger you against someone who caused the unpleasant situation.

Women will meet new people in their lives, through work, through their social contacts or in some other way. To some extent you will enjoy communicating with them, but on the other hand you will understand the need for caution when sharing personal information. Conflicts during the week can be violent, but short. In general, you will have interesting experiences, luck and new opportunities.