
Tense situation in the Assembly between Brace and Zhupa

Tense situation in the Assembly between Brace and Zhupa

The majority left the Assembly hall in today's session as a sign of protest from the speech of deputy Ina Zhupa, against the deputy of the SP, Erion Braçe.

"You have a big problem with height, I don't listen to those under 1.50 meters, I don't know who gives the right to call me Russian because I don't give myself the right to call you 'Kone' even if they say everyone. We have an expression from our side for children when they get involved in the affairs of adults, we tell them 'O Erion, let the ink grow as much as M... your mouth eats', said Zhupa.

Erion Braçe: Shut up, you ugly face. I know what to do!

The Speaker of the Assembly, Elisa Spiropali, has asked the democratic deputy to apologize while interrupting the work of the session.