
Weather improves, Ministry of Education: Teaching remains suspended only in these schools

Weather improves, Ministry of Education: Teaching remains suspended only in

The Ministry of Education and Sports informed that classes have resumed in many schools in the country with the improvement of weather conditions, and the temporary suspension of the teaching process in 17 schools continues, due to weather conditions.

The schools where classes have been temporarily suspended are as follows:

1. Selishte 9-year School, Dibër
2. “Fiqiri Cani” 9-year School, Lishan i Poshtëm, Dibër
3. “Ajet Ndreu” Unified High School Slove, Dibër
4. “Shemsi Haka” 9-year School, Dibër
5. “Miftar Krrashi” Unified High School Arras, Dibër
6. “Nikoll Kaçorri” Unified High School Lure, Dibër
7. “Jani Fullani” School, Bulqizë
8. Xibër-Klos Unified High School
9. “Ndrec Ndue Gjoka” Fan Unified High School, Mirditë
10. “Zenel Bastari” 9-year School, Tirana
11. “Vilëz” 9-year School, Tirana
12. “Ibrahim Bozhiqi” Unified High School, Qafe, Elbasan
13. Gur 9-year School Black, Elbasan
14. “Ramë Karagjozi” 9-year school, Qerret, Elbasan
15. Serice 9-year school, Elbasan
16. “Isuf Deliu” 9-year school, Mollagjesh, Elbasan
17. “Ibrahim Ceka” Funar Joint School, Elbasan.

During the weekend and the first days of the week, the northern, central and southeastern areas of the country were affected by snowfall and low temperatures, causing difficulties for the regular development of the teaching process. The Ministry of Education and Sports, due to the situation aggravated by the bad weather, the recommendations of the authorities responsible for civil emergencies, as well as reports from local education offices, temporarily suspended the teaching process in several schools, where heavy snowfall and difficult weather conditions make it impossible to conduct teaching.