What should be done to avoid further spread of HIV. Marjeta Dervishi talks about epidemiology
A chronicle made by Journalist Brunilda Cami for Euronews shows that HIV cases in our country have increased in 2024, compared to last year. In 2024, 119 new cases of HIV were identified in Albania, bringing their total to 1,844.
The epidemiologist, Marjeta Dervishi, raises the concern of delayed diagnosis as well as the diagnosis of parents due to the epidemiological follow-up of the infected child before them.
The doctor explains that today there is an opportunity to test a pregnant woman, diagnose and prevent HIV in more than 99% of the possibility of transmission.
"If we were to make a comparison with last year, in the same period we had 113 cases. It has the highest level of cases in the 35-44 age group followed by the 25-34 age group. Both of these age groups account for about 60% of cases. We do not like the situation when we have the diagnosis of the parents due to the epidemiological follow-up of the child diagnosed before the parents. While today there is the possibility to test a pregnant woman, to diagnose and prevent HIV in more than 99% of the possibility of transmission", said doctor Marjeta Dervishi.